Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Festa della Sensa

When: May 19th - 20th
Where: Venice
The Festa Della Sensa is also known as the Ascension Festival and commemorates two important events in Venetian history. It marks the beginning of political, trade and military expansion of the Venice Republic. This occurred after the 26th Doge of Venice, Pietro Il Orsedo, sailed off on 9th May 1000 with a fleet to aid the populations of Dalmatia from Slavonic pirates. This resulted in a victory for the Doge and the fleet, and the Festa Della Sensa marks this victory. It also marks the conclusion of the secular diatribe between the Papacy and the Empire, when in 1177, Pope Alessandro III and Emperor Federico Barbarossa made a peace treaty.
Ivrea - Battle of the Oranges
The Event
The main centrepiece of the event is the Wedding With The Sea. This represents the Venice Doge's blessing from St Peter of the Castle at St Elena – this would culminate in the Doge throwing a golden ring into the sea to symbolise the union between the Republic of Venice with the sea. Today, the historic event is marked by a regatta that heads from St Mark's to St Nicolò – a golden ring is thrown into the waves at the climax.
The event is also supported by a greater wealth of cultural initiatives such as a water parade, Venetian style rowing and the Sensa Market. There are also two initiatives that recognise areas, cities and individual citizens who have both formed a good relationship with Venice in terms of culture and sea-based activities (Adriatic Twinning) and in terms of promoting business, crafts and culture (The Premio Osella d'Oro della Sensa Award).

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